Monday, 28 September 2009

Be creative

I recently read on a recent Crimson Circle Shroud, ( ) About the importance of being creative.

When we are creative, we allow our energy to flow. Being creative can help us to feel better, especially when we have finished. Sitting back and viewing what you have made, helps to give us a sense of achievement.
Being creative helps us to feel satisfied, allows us to express ourselves and helps us to unwind.

I know that some people struggle to be creative. Being good at, or enjoying painting, drawing, singing or playing an instrument doesn't come as a birth right to many people.
Yet, there are many other ways that you can be creative.

for example;
- cooking
- gardening
- poetry
- writing
- building a website
- re-decorating your home
- woodwork
- airfix type models
- crafts, papermaking, quilling, wood-burning
- sewing & knitting

Being creative is about allowing ourselves to relax, it's about building or making something which expresses who you are. It doesn't have to be anything big, it doesn't have to be something that requires a lot of expensive outlay.

If I recall the shroud mentioned to try to something creative every single day. Maybe that may be a little too much for some people, but prahaps, something creative for at least an hour a week would be a good start - mind, I do believe that once you get started, you'll be wanting to do it for longer!

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